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Aim to Sustain statement on RSPB Birdcrime report

Despite the positive news of a massive decline in raptor persecution this year, all involved in Aim to Sustain share the same total commitment to tackling this crime with a swift and zero tolerance approach.

A Party Conference Season Shooting Summary

Party conference season is always a busy time of the year for organisations with lobbying interests, and 2023 has been no different for Aim to Sustain partner organisations with representation and activity across all of the main nationwide political parties.

The power of a united game shooting and rural community

After receiving a staggering 42,000 responses, estimated to be mostly from the game shooting community, National Resources Wales (NRW) has announced that it will not be continuing with proposals to license gamebird release in the next year for the 2024/25 season.

And now for some good news

Everyone of the partners of Aim to Sustain was heartened by the news that golden eagles are thriving in Scotland’s managed uplands. In the 7 years since the last survey there has been a 57% increase in golden eagle nests on land in Scotland managed by gamekeepers.