
Aim to Sustain Partners:
This partnership will further improve co-operation between the organisations and strengthen our voice when explaining the inextricable links between sustainable game management, gamekeeping and conservation. It will also promote the roles of the organisations in supporting and bringing together rural communities. We are stronger together.
People love the countryside, the wonderful landscapes and the breathtaking array of wildlife. Modern game management plays a huge part in making the countryside a better place for everybody. We help tackle climate change, deliver biodiversity gain and conserve wildlife in a sustainable way. That’s well worth shouting from the rooftops and we will do all we can to prove this contribution and build on it. Grouse moor managers are delighted to be a part of this partnership.
We are pleased to join this partnership with friends from across the sector. Our country sports businesses are of vital importance to communities and jobs in some of the most remote areas of Scotland. We will continue to work together to provide constructive and robust representation.
Game farming forms one of the pillars on which shooting is based, however we are few. This partnership brings the wider shooting community together and can present the whole picture, with strength, as a result.
We have stood side-by-side with our fellow rural organisations for many years, but by moving closer together into a formal partnership we can achieve even more and secure greater recognition of the great benefits that come from game management and shooting. This is a critical step for game shooting at a critical time.
This partnership will bring together key organisations to act together to promote sustainable game shooting. Many of our members manage their land for the benefit of wildlife and conservation as well as shooting. Aim to Sustain will bring together our collective skills.
Now is the time for co-ordinated partnership working; a modern, forward-thinking approach to safeguarding the benefits we deliver. Acting together, we can build a research-based regulatory shield around our community with a thriving game meat market and more effectively broadcast to decision-makers the invaluable contribution of assured game shooting.
Each individual organisation’s input will add to the strength of the partnership. Together we are stronger and our voice louder. By combining expertise and co-ordinating activities, the partnership is an exciting opportunity to highlight the massive contribution that is made to sustainability through game management and shooting.
Carefully co-ordinating the colossal effort that goes into game management is a very welcome and exciting commitment. The fact that a thriving shoot has the opportunity to be a wildlife haven is well understood, but this partnership can help ensure that this net gain for biodiversity is maximised.