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Avian influenza Q & A
It is incumbent on the shooting community to play its part in helping to reduce the spread and impact of current outbreak of Avian Influenza.

Add your voice to the Value of Shooting
Take part in the Value of Shooting study to help establish the economic, environmental and social impact of all shooting disciplines in the UK.

Aim to Sustain responds to lead ammunition announcement.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has today published its dossier on the use of lead in ammunition.

Aim to Sustain has formally responded to an open letter from the RSPB and WWT.
Read it here

Aim to Sustain welcomes Defra’s response to Wild Justice
Aim to Sustain partner organisations will continue to support Defra’s defence of the latest potential legal challenge by Wild Justice.

Aim to Sustain hails Wild Justice defeat as “vindication of uplands managers”
Aim to Sustain partner organisations respond to Court of Appeal decision as Wild Justice lose in court for third time.

Aim to Sustain commits to legal battle
Four Aim to Sustain partner organisations have announced they will fight against the latest legal action from Wild Justice.

Wild Justice lose in court again
Rural organisations have welcomed the decision to refuse Wild Justice permission for a judicial review on “burning” in England for a second time.

Regulatory burden on shooting needs resetting
‘Microregulation’ of shooting is being prioritised over crucial restoration and enhancement projects, according to a new paper by leading rural and shooting organisations.

Aim to Sustain statement on the RSPB’s 2020 Birdcrime report
Aim to Sustain – which promotes sustainable game shooting and land management – today issued the following statement in response to the RSPB Birdcrime Report for 2020.