Aim to Sustain wins political backing

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The creation of Aim to Sustain has already received widespread support within the political world.

Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Shooting and Conservation, said the partnership would be good for the long-term future of sustainable game shooting.

“The UK’s leading rural organisations are creating a partnership that will make it easier and quicker to combine their expertise on the issues that matter,” he said.

“That can only be good for the future of sustainable game shooting in the UK.

“The environmental, economic and societal benefits of shooting are well known within the rural community. Those directly involved in shooting understand that such good outcomes do not happen without considerable investment of time and money by the UK’s shooting community. It’s a good story that deserves to be told to decision makers and the general public.

“Aim to Sustain has a clear objective to deliver the research and advocacy that will help get that message out in the most effective way possible. It’s a positive development for shooting that deserves to be widely supported.”

Lord Ian Botham, commenting in his column in The Daily Telegraph, said: “Our patchwork quilt of organisations is uniting to talk to the Government and the media about how shooting can best be regulated to serve the interests of both human beings and the natural world they inhabit. The Aim to Sustain coalition, will push back on areas where we think policy is wrong.”

Lord Nick Herbert, said: “The best way of describing Aim to Sustain is like a NATO for shooting. Its not before time that the organisations have chosen to come together in this way. This is a clear signal of intent to fight for the future of sustainable shooting.”


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