Aim to Sustain response to RSPB Birdcrime report
“There is total commitment amongst Aim to Sustain partners to sustainable game management in pursuit of net biodiversity gain and zero tolerance for raptor persecution. While all persecution is unacceptable, we are pleased to see a significant drop in cases of raptor persecution in 2021.
“Any incident of raptor persecution is to be condemned and the game shooting sector is clear that the weight of the law should be applied to those who indulge in such activity.
“Engagement and conservation work by Aim to Sustain partners has played a major role in the current high number of raptors thriving in the UK. The bird of prey population is in excess of 250,000 adults, the highest level for one hundred years.
“As in all walks of life, everyone should abide by the law and the overwhelming majority of people in game and land management share that view. There are many examples of outstanding species and habitat conservation projects happening all over the country with game and land managers at the heart of this work. These success stories continue to be built on, demonstrating that our sector is a force for good for sustainability, conservation and biodiversity.”