Codes of practice
Published by Aim to Sustain on
Codes of practice/best practice
Codes of Practice provide clear practical and easily understood guidance on how to adopt the current best practice for a host of game management and shooting activities. These are created by the Aim to Sustain partners and other key organisations and departmwents. A short explanation and links are here.
Codes of Practice for the Rearing of Gamebirds for Sporting Purposes.
There are sperate codes for England, Scotland and Wales. The links can be found here
Code of good shooting practice (CoGSP). This code is endorsed and supported by 11 countryside organisations with a combined membership of 300,000 people. It sets out the framework that enables shoot managers, shooting’s participants, gamekeepers and their employees to deliver sustainable shooting, paying attention to management of habitat and avoiding nuisance to others. All who shoot, or are involved in shooting in any way, should abide by and remind others of the provisions set out within this code. It is a requirement of membership of many of game shooting’s membership organisations. If shoots do not comply and do not reform as advised by the code, membership organisations can expel offenders.
Picking up code of practice
Guide to good game handling.
The Food Standards Agency wild game guidance.
Best practice on the use of snares for fox control in England
Flight ponds code of practice
Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust principles
Sustainable gamebird releasing.
Sustainable gamebird releasing – Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust
Predation control and best practice
Predation control law and best practice – Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust
Responsible use of rodenticide.
Shoot biodiversity assessment
Shotgun safety code of practice